
Illinois Teacher Licensure Requirements


Candidates for teacher licensure must take and pass two tests. These tests are required by the Illinois State Board of Education and should be taken at specific points in your program. Both of these tests are administered by the Illinois Licensure 测试 System (formerly the Illinois Certification 测试 System). 了解更多 about these tests and when you can take them.


Students in all 项目 must pass the content test before beginning student teaching. The content tests are specific for each certificate, e.g., early childhood, elementary, biology, mathematics, etc.


The edTPA should be completed during student teaching and must be passed before candidates can become licensed.


The Illinois State Board of Education requires teacher preparation and subject area coursework for teacher certification. 您还将完成 核心课程 program for your degree from North Park University, enhancing your critical thinking and writing skills and exposing you to a broad range of subjects.


All teacher candidates are required to have a certain number of semester hours in a subject area approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. Specific requirements are based on the licensure being pursued, and the requirements must be completed prior to student teaching.

  • Early Childhood and Elementary Certification: 18 semester hours
  • Secondary Certification: Minimum of 36 semester hours
  • K-12 Certification: Minimum of 36 semester hours


Your foundation for a career in teaching will be built on a number of courses that will teach you how to be an effective educator and include content in all educational areas including curriculum, 指令, 评估, 技术, 和心理学. Your education coursework will consist of 33 to 43 semester hours of coursework, depending on the type of certification you wish to pursue. Your area of concentration or a second major are an additional 18 to 36 (or more) semester hours of coursework.


The actual courses required in each of these areas varies by the program or degree you choose. Review the program requirements for each of our education 项目.


Upon successful completion of a 教育学院 program, graduating students are eligible for licensure in Illinois with the Professional Educator’s License (PEL).


All teacher candidates must also complete three classroom experiences: teacher aiding, mini-teaching, 学生教学. 了解更多 about these requirement for North Park’s education majors.